NACM Intermountain

ICEL Recap August: Test Your Credit Knowledge

Test Your Credit Knowledge has been an annual meeting that is in the Jeopardy format, where we have some friendly competition against our fellow credit professionals.

The categories are Business Credit Principles, Financial Statements, Accounting I, Business Law and Credit Law. Teams were randomly picked and assigned a table/team. This is always such a fun meeting, and the prizes are a bonus. We had a couple of questions/answers that stumped us. You could tell that several people had the answer at the tip of their tongue but didn’t quite get it.

Here are a few examples:

Business Credit Principles for 500: A draft that is payable as soon as it is presented to the drawee or payment.

Business Credit Principles for 300: Accounts with poor payment history, inadequate working capital, or a deteriorated financial condition.

Business Law for 100: A check, other than a certified check, that is presented for payment more than six months after its date.

If you know these answers or even if you don’t, please come play next year.  

Table 4 was the winning team this year, congratulations. We also had several tables that won the “Candy Prize” on their turn. Thank you to all those that were in attendance to make this such a fun meeting