Our certification program is recognized and valued by credit management professionals. It not only distinguishes you in the industry but also offers a range of significant advantages for your career
By reading, studying and preparing for the exams, you'll gain a thorough, up-to-date understanding of every aspect of credit management, including a look at future trends and strategies essential to your success.
Certification tells employers that you are motivated, accomplished and current in your knowledge of credit management skills. It indicates that you are actively working to maintain high standards in the field.
NACM’s professional designations highlight your experience and expertise in credit and finance, boosting your respect among peers. Proudly display your designation on letterheads, business cards, and other materials.
As credit practices evolve and banking and financial services reshape the role of credit executives, the certification program offers a valuable path to mastering professional education and achieving excellence in the field.
In the face of ongoing changes in credit and financial services, our certification program is essential for staying ahead and reaching the highest levels of professional achievement. The four levels of designation are:
Our review classes for the CBA, CBF, and CCE exams are led by experienced credit professionals who have successfully passed these exams. Review Fee: $75
The Roadmap is your tool for tracking professional achievements, awarding points for formal and informal education, work experience, and participation at local, regional, and national levels, among other activities. Keep a complete copy of your Roadmap for future reference and for CBF and CCE designation applications.